on being & becoming

tapping into your inner goddess energy

I’m finally writing about a journey to loving yourself‘s hotter twin sister who everyone wishes they could be. Kidding aside (but not really), I noticed that I’ve grown more in touch with myself the past year and I feel like I needed to write an updated version of my first blog post ever (the less hot twin sister). I don’t wanna be all because of the whole quarantine situation, I was forced to sit alone with myself yada yada, but it’s true. I have learned and unlearned a lot of things and I feel like I’ve grown into four different versions of me this past year, with each one getting better and closer to who I want to be.

I was never the cool confident girl in school or anywhere else, I was wearing the whole “shy quiet reserved girl” badge like it was my most prized possession pretty much all of elementary and high school. It was only during Grade 12 when I felt like actually putting myself out there, but I definitely still had confidence issues to work through. Fast forward to today, I’m finally the hotter twin sister and I’m here to share some thoughts that can (maybe) help you tap into your inner goddess energy.

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on being & becoming

lessons i learned during my teen years

it’s so crazy how things can drastically change over a course of time – a week, a month, a whole year. i look back on my pre-teen years and laugh at myself for thinking i have life figured out. it’s a good thing actually, to see how different i’ve gotten, for that shows that i have changed; i have grown, and i have learned. an awful lot of things.

i think that our teenage years are our most transformative years, it shapes our identity and prepares us for the real world. last month, i turned twenty, and instead of desperately hanging onto my teen years in fear of what life has in store for me, i’m going to share eight things i learned during my teen years, that maybe you can learn something from too.

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on being & becoming

how to start 2020 fresh

Entering a new year with old baggage will be the first mistake you’ll ever commit. I’m not only talking about emotional baggage, but also that 256 badge notification on your e-mail application and that one messy drawer you’ve been dreading to clean for months. Learn to make space for new things that the new year has to offer. Below are a few things that I have practiced to do throughout the year that helped me stay clean and organized:

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on being & becoming

who i want to become

Was lying in my bed after a long exhausting school day, decided to watch saved Youtube videos about how to get your shit together, make this year your year, and productive morning routines and just like that, this list came into mind. Originally, I wasn’t going to have this as a blog post, I just wanted to realign myself with my goals but I thought, why not right?

Every given day is a day of construction. Filling in voids, adding another coat, removing layers that don’t match, touching up colors, and sculpting your life the way how you want it to be. Life does not come with guidelines, rule books, what-to-dos, and what-not-to-dos. It is a lifelong journey of knowing what fits and what does not, what is meant to be and what turns out as a lesson to learn, who you should trust and who you should stay away from, and who you should be and who others want you to be.

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