on being & becoming

tapping into your inner goddess energy

I’m finally writing about a journey to loving yourself‘s hotter twin sister who everyone wishes they could be. Kidding aside (but not really), I noticed that I’ve grown more in touch with myself the past year and I feel like I needed to write an updated version of my first blog post ever (the less hot twin sister). I don’t wanna be all because of the whole quarantine situation, I was forced to sit alone with myself yada yada, but it’s true. I have learned and unlearned a lot of things and I feel like I’ve grown into four different versions of me this past year, with each one getting better and closer to who I want to be.

I was never the cool confident girl in school or anywhere else, I was wearing the whole “shy quiet reserved girl” badge like it was my most prized possession pretty much all of elementary and high school. It was only during Grade 12 when I felt like actually putting myself out there, but I definitely still had confidence issues to work through. Fast forward to today, I’m finally the hotter twin sister and I’m here to share some thoughts that can (maybe) help you tap into your inner goddess energy.

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